Thursday, February 20

Diet and Liver Disease: Is There a Connection?

Photo by gresei from

4. Garlic – overall health 

We don’t know about you, but every time we smell and taste the flavor of garlic, all we can think about is how delicious the food we’re cooking is going to turn out. Speaking of flavor and seasoning, this small vegetable not only makes your meal taste better, but a few studies actually discovered that garlic powder supplements might be helpful in reducing fat and body weight in patients diagnosed with NAFLD.

In a study from 2020, some people who suffer from fatty liver disease took 800 mg of garlic powder every day for 15 weeks, and the results didn’t disappoint. They noticed an impressive reduction in liver fat and an improvement in enzyme levels.

So if you want to get healthier and make your food tastier, garlic shouldn’t be missing from your kitchen!

1 thought on “Diet and Liver Disease: Is There a Connection?”

  1. You have ignored fatty liver disease caused by hemochromatosis.
    NO greens allowed then, nothing with much iron. Yes, lots of fish, no red meat.

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