Thursday, February 20

Diet and Liver Disease: Is There a Connection?

Photo by HandmadePictures from

3. Sunflower seeds – antioxidants 

Another tasty food that is recommended for a healthy liver is sunflower seeds. They are rich in vitamin E and provide a large number of antioxidants your body absolutely needs to function at its best.

Some studies regarding NAFLD and vitamin D consumption focused mainly on supplements, but 100 grams of sunflower seeds contain roughly 20 milligrams of this amazing vitamin, which is over 100% of the daily recommended value.

Besides this nutrient, sunflower seeds are also linked to lower rates of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and high cholesterol levels. If you’re looking for something crunchy and tasty that will give your liver plenty of antioxidants and that will support your immune system at the same time, add a tablespoon of sunflower seeds to your salads.

1 thought on “Diet and Liver Disease: Is There a Connection?”

  1. You have ignored fatty liver disease caused by hemochromatosis.
    NO greens allowed then, nothing with much iron. Yes, lots of fish, no red meat.

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