Thursday, February 20

Diet and Liver Disease: Is There a Connection?

Photo by Yev_1234 from

What can you do to keep it under control?

However, there’s a good side to this story: with a few healthy lifestyle changes, you can successfully prevent this issue from getting worse. The first thing you can do in a case like this is to lose a bit of weight with the help of a proper combination of exercise, calorie deficit, and healthy eating.

The general rule of thumb says that a suitable diet for NAFLD should include plenty of plants that are high in fiber, such as whole grains and legumes, as well as fruits and vegetables.

…You can read the rest on the next page!

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1 thought on “Diet and Liver Disease: Is There a Connection?”

  1. You have ignored fatty liver disease caused by hemochromatosis.
    NO greens allowed then, nothing with much iron. Yes, lots of fish, no red meat.

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