16 Genius Fruit and Vegetable Storage Tips You Need to Know About

Vegetable Storage Tip
Photo by Ion Sebastian at Shutterstock


Always store tomatoes at room temperature because the refrigerator will make them rot faster. Just be sure to keep them loose in a bowl away from sun or heat. Tomatoes also don’t like the cold.

So storing them in the fridge will make them lose their ideal texture and flavor. Also, remember this vegetable storage tip: When you leave them on the counter, place them stem-side down because this part of the tomato is the last to ripen.


Herbs can get pretty finicky about what they like and what they don’t. But we can’t really blame them. So be sure to separate your herbs into single layers and store them on a piece of dry paper towel.

This prevents moisture build-up from happening. And for an even longer life, seal them in an airtight bag.

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