Tuesday, March 11

16 Genius Fruit and Vegetable Storage Tips You Need to Know About

Vegetable Storage Tip
Photo by Dmytro Gilitukha at Shutterstock


To avoid that dried-out look older carrots tend to obtain, first chop off the leafy greens if you bought your carrots whole. Why? Did you know that the leaves pull nutrients out of the roots? Carrots do best when surrounded by moisture.

So put them in a receptacle filled with water, seal the top with plastic wrap, and store them in the fridge. You can also bubble wrap them before stashing them in the refrigerator. It allows enough moisture to get to the carrots if you don’t want to soak them in water.

And no, you don’t have to wait for your next packaged box to get your hands on some bubble wrap. Amazon has a great selection. Including this one!


Apples produce that ethylene gas we’ve been talking about that can keep your potatoes fresh for over two months. So say goodbye to those pesky sprouts that pop up on potatoes after just a few weeks if you keep a few apples next to your potatoes!.

Let us know if you’ve ever tried any of these fruit and vegetable storage tips, or if you have any of your own you’d like to share with us.

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