16 Genius Fruit and Vegetable Storage Tips You Need to Know About

Vegetable Storage Tip
Photo by barmalini at Shutterstock


Avocados contain enzymes that produce a brownish pigment when exposed to oxygen. This is why that halved avocado looks yucky soon after storing it. To avoid this, squirt it with some lemon juice.

The citric acid helps prevent browning for about a day. You can also store avocado slices with big chunks of onion. When you chop an onion, the same gasses that burn your eyes are also the ones that prevent oxidation in avocados.

Just make sure the onion only touches the skin of the avocado, and there won’t be a noticeable flavor.


We bet you didn’t know about this fruit storage tip! Before they’re cut, watermelon can be kept in a dark, dry place away from all your other produce. You only need to store it in the fridge once it’s been cut.

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