Thursday, September 19

11 Easy Sources of Protein You Could Be Missing Out On

Photo by nadianb at Shutterstock


Like peanut butter and peanuts, almonds, cashews, and even walnuts are also loaded with protein. Almonds and cashews even make for an amazing side snack to munch on throughout the day. Along with the protein, they also provide reasonable amounts of healthy fats to the body.

They also make for a delicious, protein-rich feast when added to your meals. They’re universal, easy to eat on the go, and a great source of plant-based protein, especially for people who eat few or no animal products.

Eating nuts can help you meet your daily needs, which is vital for building muscles, bones, and skin. Protein can also increase feelings of fullness, helping you stay energized and satisfied. While all nuts contain protein, some are better than others.

What’s YOUR favorite nut?

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