8 Surprisingly Healthy Habits You Thought Were Bad

Surprisingly Healthy Habit
Photo by Tanya Stolyarevskaya at Shutterstock

Surprisingly healthy habit: Eating eggs

The latest advice on “healthy eating” changes as often as the seasons. Eggs, an animal product high in fat, cholesterol, protein, and vital vitamins, have been condemned for years. But as it turns out, they’re pretty healthy.

And eating just the whites, which low-fat advocates say is a way to shave off cholesterol and fat, is entirely unnecessary. Whole eggs are high in a handful of crucial vitamins and minerals you can’t get from many other foods, including vitamin B12 and phosphorus.

They’re also rich in protein and satiating fat, which makes them unlikely to be overeaten. Another factor to take into consideration is that the cholesterol in eggs doesn’t appear to lead to high cholesterol levels in people who are healthy.

Just like eating fat doesn’t translate into being fat, recent analysis has shown that eating cholesterol doesn’t necessarily translate into having cholesterol levels through the roof.

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