Thursday, March 13

5 Timeless Home Remedies That Are Actually Helpful!

varicose veins, home remedies
Photo by grafvision From Envato Elements

Nauseated? Try Ginger

We all know that lemons can be used to ward off nausea, but another one of the most common home remedies associated with keeping nausea at bay is ginger! Ginger is one of the most widespread natural home remedies when it comes to stomach issues, as well as having other health benefits, as it has been used in oriental medicine for hundreds of years.

Recently, ginger has been the subject of many studies, and back in 2015, a study was published in the Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care journal that suggested that ginger is backed by science when it comes to its help with digestion and nausea. Thus, ginger is one of the most effective remedies for motion sickness, morning sickness when pregnant, and even nausea as a side effect of chemotherapy.

Research is inconclusive as to what makes ginger so effective in alleviating nausea, but one thing is for sure: it is definitely one of the home remedies that works!

You should be careful about how much ginger you consume, as it can have some side effects when eaten in high quantities daily!

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