Tuesday, March 11

5 Timeless Home Remedies That Are Actually Helpful!

home remedies
Image By MSPhotographic From Shutterstock

Cranberry Juice for UTIs

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are known to not be comfortable in the slightest, and if you think back on it, your mom was probably buying organic cranberry juice whenever she felt the first signs of a UTI! It may seem weird that fruit will help you, but this is one of the home remedies that is backed by science, and just because someone thinks the acidic environment created by the cranberry juice flushes out bacteria is just a hunch!

Doctors have shared that, through research, it has been shown that it can reduce the amount of bacteria clinging to the lining of the bladder. While it is not the best-researched of home remedies, and studies about recurrent UTIs have been inconsistent over the years, there is no harm in trying it out at the first signs. Cranberry juice is tasty and will not cause you any harm, and the added benefit of potentially reducing bladder infections is not going to make things worse!

If anything, you can use it together with other remedies your primary care provider suggests!

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