Thursday, September 19

11 Easy Sources of Protein You Could Be Missing Out On

Photo by Maryia_K at Shutterstock


This is a wonderful source of protein, and the canned version is no exception. If fresh fish seems too expensive for your budget, canned tuna is an incredible way to boost your intake without breaking the bank. Many people can’t handle tuna because of its notorious smell.

But if you don’t have a problem with tuna, make sure to eat it as a source of high amounts of protein. A typical can of tuna that serves one can have up to 30g of it. And, it’s pretty easy to prepare too!

Most brands of tuna cost about $1 per 5oz can. Additionally, tuna is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help fight off inflammation in your body. But, canned tuna might contain high levels of mercury, so adults should limit their intake to a few servings each week.

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