Wednesday, September 18

6 Best Plant-Based Alternatives to Cow’s Milk You Can Try

Photo by nadianb from Shutterstock

Oat milk

Oat milk has become more popular in recent years, as it ticks a lot of boxes when it comes to sustainability. The advantages that oat milk brings rely on the fact that it’s extremely versatile and oftentimes gluten-free, so it could be a good choice for those who suffer from Celiac disease.

It’s also high in fiber, including a specific soluble fiber known as beta-glucans, which might help lower cholesterol levels. The disadvantages of going with oat milk circle around the pesticides that might be used in some conventionally grown oats, such as weed killer glyphosate, which is also known as a carcinogen.

However, organic brands are known to avoid that, but it’s still recommended t check with individual manufacturers for more information.

Even if oats are usually gluten-free, they might still be cross-contaminated, which makes oat milk simply unsuitable for those who have Celiac gluten sensitivity.

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