Wednesday, March 12

8 Surprisingly Healthy Habits You Thought Were Bad

Surprisingly Healthy Habit
Photo by wavebreakmedia at Shutterstock

Surprisingly healthy habit: Sleeping in

Most people think this surprisingly healthy habit is terrible for you because sleeping late means you’re lazy!

But the truth is that it’s actually good for you because waking up according to when your circadian rhythms tell you to wake up, rather than when your alarm goes off, can keep your metabolism up. Studies show that we’re a country of under-sleepers.

And those who look like oversleeping could just be getting the right amount of sleep for their bodies. They might also be spared some of the problems plaguing the chronically underslept, including overeating junk food.

Individuals who under-sleep are more likely to eat more amounts of less nutritious foods. So, if you think about it, sleeping more is like working out, right?

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