Friday, February 7

10 Things Your Doctor Doesn’t Want You To Do Before An Appointment

Photo by Lordn from Shutterstock

Avoid eating before you take specific blood tests

If you ever asked yourself if you should fast before you do a blood test, the answer is partly yes. According to Medical News Today, doctors read the blood tests to have a better understanding if something’s off with your health.

While not all types of blood tests require some fasting, you should definitely fast for eight-ten hours before a blood glucose test. For example, having diabetes can lead to higher than normal blood sugar or glucose levels.

Obviously, eating and drinking can have an impact on your sugar levels. When it comes to a glucose test, your doctor wants to see how much sugar you have in your blood without any other “help” from outside sources.

1 thought on “10 Things Your Doctor Doesn’t Want You To Do Before An Appointment”

  1. How come I’ve never seen this list in any medical facility? How come I never hear or read from ophthalmologists about wearing sunglasses when outside in the sun, especially at the beach and over water? How come there is only a cursory announcement of the dangers of digesting pills laced with harmful drugs?

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