Sunday, February 23

10 Things Your Doctor Doesn’t Want You To Do Before An Appointment

Photo by Mehmet Mov from Shutterstock

Try not to wear metal when you do a CT scan or MRI

If you think about it, people wear A LOT of metal every day, including us. I mean, just picture wedding bands, watches, removable dental work. It isn’t difficult to forget these things, especially if you’re used to wearing a couple of metal items daily.

But you have to remember that there are some medical tests where you don’t want metal anywhere on your body. According to the Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, patients with hearing aids, eyeglasses, hairpins, jewelry, or even dentures might throw off a Computerized Tomography scan (CT scan)’s images.

And given the fact that this test is necessary to detect tumors and other damages to your organs and bones, you don’t want there to be any mistake.

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1 thought on “10 Things Your Doctor Doesn’t Want You To Do Before An Appointment”

  1. How come I’ve never seen this list in any medical facility? How come I never hear or read from ophthalmologists about wearing sunglasses when outside in the sun, especially at the beach and over water? How come there is only a cursory announcement of the dangers of digesting pills laced with harmful drugs?

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