Monday, March 31

10 Major Types of Cancer and Their Symptoms

skin cancer
Photo by Africa Studio from Shutterstock

5. Melanoma

Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. It grows in the cells that produce melanin, the pigment responsible for your skin’s color. The exact cause of this type of disease isn’t clear, but exposure to UV radiation from sunlight, tanning beds, and lamps increases your risk of developing melanoma.

In other words, reducing your exposure to UV radiation can significantly reduce your risk of melanoma.

Signs include a mark on the skin or a mole that’s growing quickly or has changed shape or color; a mark or mole that is asymmetrical (the edges may look notched or scalloped); a mole or mark that is white, red, or blue; a freckle or mole that has multiple colors (rather than being only black or brown); a mole that is larger than a pencil eraser’s tip; a mole or mark that is itching, crusting, or bleeding.

As melanoma causes visible changes on your skin, doctors recommend checking your skin from head to toe at least once every few months to spot any potential warning signs of skin cancer. Don’t forget to also have your doctor examine your skin once a year.

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