Wednesday, February 5

Having Heart Issues? Stay Away From These 12 Common Foods

Heart Issue
Photo by stockcreations at Shutterstock

Ice Cream And Flavoured Full-fat Yogurt

These are all yummy treats. But none are healthy. Not even a little bit! Ice cream is chock-full of artificial coloring, fats, sodium, and a bunch of sugar. All of these ingredients raise the risks of heart issues, inflammation, obesity, and much more.

Besides that, ice cream also consists of a type of fat that takes longer to digest. But what about yogurt? While it’s healthy for your gastrointestinal tract and can even be helpful in lowering blood pressure, it’s rich in cholesterol and added sugars.

If you truly love yogurt, try choosing the plain low-fat kind and simply adding some fresh fruits. It’s a healthy alternative to all those flavored yogurts that are filled with chemicals.


This creamy goodness we like to smother on our toast is high in saturated fat, which can raise your bad cholesterol levels and cause heart issues to arise.

You’re better off replacing it with vegetable oil-based spreads or olive oil, which possess heart-healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats.

If you already suffer from this unhealthy issue, a spread with stanol is an even better option. Regularly eating stanol can help lower your LDL cholesterol levels.

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