Friday, September 6

Having Heart Issues? Stay Away From These 12 Common Foods

Heart Issue
Photo by DronG at Shutterstock


Over half of the calories in bacon come from saturated fat, which can boost your low-density lipoprotein level or lousy cholesterol and boost your chance of a stroke or heart attack.

It’s full of sodium, which bumps up your blood pressure and makes your heart have to work harder. High quantities of salt can also lead to heart disease and heart failure. The added preservatives in bacon are linked to these heart issues as well.

French Fries

We hate to be bearers of bad news, but no fried food is healthy for your heart. That’s because they’re very high in saturated and trans fats, which should contain only a tiny amount of your diet. But the case against French fries is especially condemning.

Cardiologists say that you’re taking a pure chunk of carbohydrate, and then you’re frying it and putting salt on it. The trouble is that our bodies DO crave sodium and fat.

But it’s good to substitute it with healthier, plant-based snacks that are still tasty. Sadly, we already checked, and Doritos don’t count as vegetables.

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