Thursday, March 6

5 Must-Have Items for This Flu Season, According to Doctors

items for flu season
Photo by Image Point Fr at Shutterstock

4. Decongestant

We all know how annoying a stuffed nose can be. It is one of the most hated symptoms of the flu, but hopefully, there is something that we can all use in order to combat it.

Mucinex, Sudafed, or any other over-the-counter drug is good at doing this job, which makes them some of the items for flu season that you should have on hand. Particularly before bedtime, they might ease discomfort and aid with congestion relief.

The way they work is simple. Decongestants will narrow your nasal blood vessels, and in this way, the blood flow will be reduced. When this happens, the swelling will be reduced, and in the end, you will be able to breathe properly again.

These drugs are available as pills, drops, or nasal sprays; however, oral medications take longer to take action than nasal sprays. If you decide that you want to use the spray ones, be careful and don’t use them longer than three days. If you do use them more than this, your congestion might become worse.

Before using any over-the-counter medications, consult with your doctor if you have any health issues or are on prescription medication.

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