5 Must-Have Items for This Flu Season, According to Doctors

items for flu season
Photo by The Image Party at Shutterstock

5. Cough drops

Coughing is something common when you have the flu. And it can truly affect your body by causing headaches and pain in the upper body. Your body uses coughing as a defense mechanism against irritation. When your throat feels discomfort, the body will respond. Cough drops help calm your cough and comfort your throat when you have the flu.

We think that the best cough drops you can buy are those sweetened with honey and those that have menthol. You can take a few drops before going to bed, and in this way, you will be sure that you’ll have a good night’s sleep.

So, cough drops are, for sure, some of the items for flu season that you should have in your home. They will make your life easier.

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