5 Must-Have Items for This Flu Season, According to Doctors

items for flu season
Photo by xtock at Shutterstock

Is it possible to prevent the flu?

One of the best ways to prevent the flu is to not get the flu. We know it sounds obvious, but this is the truth. If you want to do this, you should get the flu vaccine every year since this is the most effective way to not get the flu and also prevents you from giving it to others.

Another extremely important aspect of preventing the flu is washing your hands frequently and in a proper manner. Unfortunately, you can still contract the flu even if you take precautions. As your body eliminates the virus, recovery takes time.

If you need some good tissues, you can try these ones: Kleenex Expressions Ultra Soft Facial Tissues, 8 Flat Boxes, 120 Tissues per Box

You should also read: 5 Side Effects of the Flu Shot You Probably Didn’t Know

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