Sunday, March 16

10 Reasons NOT to Exercise after 50

exercise after 50
Photo by Ground Picture from Shutterstock

Exercise might cause diabetes.

Here’s another interesting aspect you might be overlooking: sometimes, the propensity for endurance athletes to spend plenty of time at bakeries and engage in daily consumption of big, healthy protein muffins could harm them.

Since their lives are all about “long training days”, they rapidly go back to pasta, lasagna, spaghetti, pizzas, and all the other delicious but high-carb foods.

In between these meals, there’s always a steady intake of sugar-packed energy bars or smoothies. All is well in the neighborhood until you wake up with a sugar addiction and don’t know how to stop.

Exercise could destroy diets.

Whether you’ve decided to eat a diet lower in inflammatory compounds to try to manage an autoimmune disease or even cancer, or you’re trying to eat a lower-calorie diet to lose some weight, it would be quite hard to accomplish these nutritional changes while you’re still engaged in serious and heavy exercise patterns.

Moreover, this is also what causes people to stop making healthy lifestyle changes: they often get excited about changing their daily routine, trying to eat better, and exercising more.

What they oftentimes forget is that heavy exercise volume could cause food cravings that make it simply impossible to adjust to a healthier diet. This is how individuals get discouraged or quit altogether.

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