Thursday, March 13

Get Rid of Body Odors With These 9 Simple Steps!

Photo by Sergey Lapin from Shutterstock

8. Stop using fabric softener

Your fabric softener may be to blame if you’ve ever put on a clean shirt and it still smelled less than fresh before you even arrived at the office. In most cases, because they contain a lot of perfume, fabric softeners block airflow and evaporation by adhering to the fibers of garments.

This indicates that you aren’t getting enough air to keep microorganisms that cause odors at bay. It also makes it difficult for detergents to remove bacteria, sweat, and body odor from the fibers. Additionally, some softeners might irritate sensitive skin.

9. Maintain a healthy diet

There’s an old saying that goes, “Tell me what you eat, and I’ll tell you who you are,” and even if it sounds a bit odd, it’s true. And it’s applicable in this case as well. How and what you eat really affects your body odor. If you like eating spicy foods or sweets in general, you might be careful about how often you munch on these foods because all of them can be quickly transported in the sweat you produce.

Moreover, sweat can carry food aromas, such as those of onions or garlic. You may sweat more if you drink anything containing caffeine or alcohol.

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