Friday, March 14

Get Rid of Body Odors With These 9 Simple Steps!

Photo by Monkey Business Images from Shutterstock

7. Spike the laundry

If you tend to sweat a lot and you’re trying to follow these steps, you’re on the right path. But don’t neglect your clothes! Changing them often is crucial if you’re sweating. And wash them often, if possible, right after you take them off. In case the smell is still stuck in the fabric, don’t worry; a cup of vinegar added to your laundry will solve the issue. Always wash your clothes inside out!

Your clothing will last longer and appear newer because it is easier to remove sweat and oils from the fabric in this way. Skip the dryer if your clothing is particularly stinky or if it is made of any technological fabric. As a result, the odor will get stuck in the fabric, making it more difficult to remove.

Especially if you have a tendency to have smelly feet, make sure you replace your socks as well. Go barefoot whenever you can, replace your insoles frequently, and use deodorant sprays in your shoes as often as possible.

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