Thursday, February 20

Power Naps: 5 Reasons Why You Should Give Them a Try

power naps
Image By mangpor2004 From Shutterstock

Are power naps for everyone?

The simple answer is no. They are not for everyone. Certified sleep specialists and researchers have said over the years that people who suffer from insomnia should avoid napping. This is because catching some sleep during the daytime may convince you that you do not need as much sleep at night and, in the long run, make your condition worse without wanting to!

Otherwise, naps are great for people who do not sleep well or do not get the average 7 hours a healthy adult should be getting every night. Likewise, people who find themselves working and living through “a fog”, those who find themselves sluggish and not as focused or productive in the afternoon, and those who cannot process information as they do in the morning after lunch, should definitely try their hand at taking a power nap.

A good nap is going to boost and recover your brain functions, give you a burst of energy for the rest of the day, consolidate your memory, and even help you get rid of some toxins that build up in your body until you sleep.

There is a sleep drive in each and every one of us, and if you do not give in, it keeps building up until it overcomes your system and puts you to sleep at night. A good power nap can hopefully reset that sleep trigger and help you function at your best after it!

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