Friday, February 21

Power Naps: 5 Reasons Why You Should Give Them a Try

coffee, power naps
Photo by dnlv from Shutterstock

Power nap tip 3:  Caffeine may actually help you!

It may sound a bit counterintuitive to drink coffee before a power nap; however, it is actually going to help you in the long run. Power naps are designed to not last more than 30 minutes, as we have discussed above, and this is exactly why you should make sure to drink some coffee before a power nap if you can.

Caffeine generally takes anywhere between 20 and 30 minutes to have an effect on your body, and if you sleep the time it takes for it to kick in your system, then you will be able to both wake up easier and have a burst of energy and alertness when you are back awake.

Not to mention, a lot of us end up drinking coffee when we do feel sleepy, and you have probably seen how even if you are sipping on the beverage, it takes a while before you start to feel less sleepy, the time in which you are probably not as productive as you would have wanted. So why wait for the caffeine to kick in and be frustrated because you are still sleepy when you can just lay down for up to 30 minutes and wake up refreshed and ready to seize the task at hand?

Believe us, power naps are going to change your life!

Be it that you want to nap or you are just looking to have a healthier sleep pattern, make sure you are not accidentally sabotaging your night’s sleep! Read all about the ways you are secretly messing up with your sleep cycle here!

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