Friday, March 14

The Anti-Cancer Diet: 7 Foods That Prevent Cancer

inflammation, cancer diet
Photo by DUSAN ZIDAR from

#7 Olive Oil

The reason that breast cancer rates in the Mediterranean countries are lower by 50 percent when compared to the ones here in the United States might be the fact that their cuisine relies a lot on olive oil.

As we know already, this monosaturated fat is packed with health benefits, and besides making your food tastier, it seems like using it for cooking and in salads might just help fight cancer!

And if you’re still hungry for more knowledge about what to eat if you want to lower the risk of cancer developing in your body, keep on reading here!

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5 thoughts on “The Anti-Cancer Diet: 7 Foods That Prevent Cancer”

  1. i all ready got cancer they said dont know what or how they are going to try to treat it i would like to know any and all foods or any thing that might slow it down thank you

    1. I hope you’re alive and well. My mom had stage 4 bladder cancer for 10 years she refused treatment. I gave her green vegetables, orange colored vegetables, ginger, green tea on a daily basis. I didn’t give her sugar. Cancer spreads with sugar intake I also would give her plenty of water. I hope this helps God Bless

    2. My friend had stage 4 colon cancer and was told that chemo would have killed her because she was so bad. She came across Chris Beat Cancer (website, Facebook, book) and followed his diet and program. She has now been cancer-free for a few years and feels better in her 50s than she did in her 30s. Her doctors were stunned at her results. She’d never had any chemo or radiation.

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