Sunday, September 8

If Your Doctor Says These 6 Things, You Can Sue Them

Photo by Shidlovski from Shutterstock

5. “I have to inform you that I am extremely busy today, so let’s get straight into it”

Let’s say that you finally entered your doctor’s office, and they told you this. How would this phrase or anything else similar make you feel? Probably not so good. You might feel disrespected, and this is the last thing a sick person should feel.

We get the fact that doctors are very busy in general, and they often are the subject of enormous time pressures throughout the day, but there is one thing that they should understand: so are their patients.

Many times, when we go to visit a medical professional, we have already invested a lot of time and mental energy in the process. We took our time to prepare; maybe we canceled some of our plans. It is normal to want the full attention of our doctor.

Physicians who tell their patients to hurry are not well received, and we can totally understand why. If you are a doctor, you can’t hurry those who want your help. This can make them feel uncomfortable, and this can lead to them forgetting to tell you essential information about their health. More than that, they feel like it is not a proper time to ask various questions because they feel like they are wasting the time of their doctor.

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