Friday, February 21

5 Ways to Drink More Water Every Day

drink water
Image By sirtravelalot From Shutterstock

Make sure you know how much water your body needs!

Before you commit to upping your water intake, be certain that you understand just how many fluid ounces of water you need every day so that your body is in peak condition. The general recommendation that you hear going around is to make sure you drink 8 cups of water a day, which is around 64 ounces. However, this suggestion is not based on any science and is more arbitrary than one may think.

We are all different, and how much fluid intake we may need will depend on a ton of factors, including our health levels, how much physical activity we do each day, where we live, and many other factors. The National Academy of Medicine acknowledges that. but they also recommend that women drink 90 ounces of fluids per day, while men should drink around 125 ounces. But this may vary a lot from day to day depending on how much water you actually need.

A good way would be to try to be more conscious of your body and drink when you are feeling thirsty. This can have a drawback if you are not aware, because you may realize it too late and not get your optimal amount. It is good to start small and up your water intake; aim for 64 ounces for the start, then listen to your body and see if you need to up it.

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