Wednesday, February 5

10 Things Sugar Does to Your Body

immune system
Image By Dream79 From Envato Elements

#6 It Can Also Make Your Brain Suffer

We talked about the effects sugar has on your brain in the way that it makes you want it more and more, but we should talk about how it actually harms our brains as well. The reasons to cut down on sweets keep piling up, especially since there is verified research that shows that drinking soda is actually bad for your brain.

Not only are diets that are full of sugar and high in fat harmful for your body as a whole, but they are also bad for your brain. Too much added sugar will make your memory worse, but it can also have long-lasting effects. They can even lead to short-term memory impairment and other adverse impairments in your brain’s memory functions.

If you have issues with this, instead of relying on ginkgo biloba pills or other memory supplements, you should look at your diet and make some changes in the sugar department if you realize it’s going over the top.

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