Monday, February 3

10 Things Sugar Does to Your Body

Image By Explode From Shutterstock

#8 You May Just End Up Developing Fatty Liver Disease

Do you have a family history of liver problems? If that is so and you have a huge sweet tooth, you may just be in a lot of trouble. One of the most well-known effects of sugar on your body is how it will end up messing with your liver if you have too much of it. Large quantities of fructose will end up damaging your liver, as this is the organ that metabolizes glucose; having too many sweets will lead to the liver producing way too much fat.

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 30 to 40 percent of adults with fatty liver disease develop the disease for non-alcoholic reasons, such as sugar overconsumption. And while you may think it doesn’t sound like such a big drawback, fatty liver disease puts you at risk of prediabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity (sounds like the other reasons we mentioned beforehand are all meeting here as well)!

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