Monday, February 3

10 Things Sugar Does to Your Body

Diabetes sugar
Photo by Proxima Studio from Shutterstock

#4 Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

If your recent blood tests have come up with a high blood sugar count, you should already be on the fence when it comes to type 2 diabetes. Since research has proven just how closely the consumption of sugar is connected with type 2 diabetes, you should be even more careful if your blood tests already show you have high blood sugar.

The pancreas is the organ responsible for producing insulin, which helps level out the glucose level in the blood, which can spike if you eat a lot of sweets or sweetened foods. If the pancreas has to produce insulin in excess because you have developed a habit of eating a lot of sugar, it can become tired from overproduction. This, together with the insulin resistance your body will develop in time, can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes.

This may happen even if you aren’t adding half a bag of sugar to your daily coffee, as added sugar isn’t the only way in which you can end up abusing the substance. The risk can be high for everyone, especially if you know that you have a history of diabetes in your family.

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