Wednesday, February 5

10 Things Sugar Does to Your Body

eating tips
Photo by Cat Box From Shutterstock

#5 Sugar Can Mess Up Your Brain

While it will never compare with something like drug addiction, research has proven time and time again that sugar is no different when it comes to forming addictions than caffeine and nicotine.

If anything, it may have just one too many similarities, which range from craving it when you shouldn’t, to developing an overtime tolerance to consuming it frequently, which leads you to increase how much you actually eat, and to severe withdrawal if you stop.

Consuming a lot of foods that are packed with energy and have a sweet taste will lead to fooling your brain into believing that consuming these types of foods is good, if not even a necessity. This will mess up the part of your brain called the limbic system that will end up learning that not only does it love sweet foods, but it will lead to you craving them more and more.

The more you crave it, the more you will consume it, and this is a slippery slope toward overconsumption and a similar reaction to addiction.

Some research also shows that the brain may show similar reactions to sugar as it does to drugs, as they stimulate the pleasure centers in it.

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