Thursday, February 20

5 Diabetes Myths, Debunked (No.3 Might Save Your Life!)

diabetes myths
Image By InnaLu From Shutterstock

Diabetes Myth 3: You should not take insulin.

There are a lot of insulin-related diabetes myths floating around, and the biggest one is probably that people who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes should not be taking insulin. A great way in which we can dispel this diabetes myth is to truly understand what insulin is and how it helps us!

Insulin is a hormone that is created by your pancreas and aids in the absorption of glucose in the bloodstream, taking care to ensure that only the proper amount is absorbed into the blood flow and other organs. It is also responsible for regulating certain parts of our metabolism, such as proteins, carbs, and proteins.

When you have type 2 diabetes, when it is first discovered, your body is still producing enough insulin, but the disease prevents your body from absorbing the sugars from food. This is why, through some lifestyle changes and oral medications, you can keep it under control for a while. However, at some point, the pancreas is going to not be able to create insulin anymore, and that is the point where people switch from oral medication to injections or insulin pumps.

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