Saturday, February 22

5 Diabetes Myths, Debunked (No.3 Might Save Your Life!)

If One of My Parents Had Diabetes, Will I? diabetes myth
By fom Shutterstock

Diabetes Myth 3 (cont.): Insulin

The diabetes myth that says that insulin is harmful to patients comes from way before when older types of insulin were not as effective; nowadays, medicine has evolved, and insulin is no longer a problem as it works better than ever, having much tighter control over the whole process. Due to this, you should never be concerned about insulin harming you if you get to the point where you have to rely on injections to regulate your blood sugar levels.

Insulin as medicine is life-saving, and it allows millions of people who have diabetes to live with the disease, so you should not lend an ear to such diabetes myths!

Insulin is a lifesaver, but it’s also difficult to manage for some people. New and improved insulin allows for much tighter blood sugar control with a lower risk of low or high blood sugar. Testing your blood sugar levels, however, is the only way to know how your treatment plan is working for you.

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