Wednesday, March 12

9 Life-Threatening Diseases You Can Get from Stress

Photo by fizkes from Shutterstock

3. Cardiovascular Disease

Chronic stress has long been associated with worsened heart health outcomes. While experts say we still need more conclusive evidence to support the idea that stress alone can contribute to cardiovascular disease, we know by now a few ways it can lead to it.

When you’re dealing with stress, your body has its own natural response mechanism. Part of this mechanism is heart rate quickening and blood vessel narrowing (or vasodilation for some skeletal muscles to aid the body in reacting in a fight or flight way). This whole process occurs with the help of the stress hormones cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline.

If the body keeps on functioning in this state for an extended period of time, as can be the case with long-term stress, the cardiovascular system may take a hit, among other health issues.

Another way in which emotional or psychological strain can contribute to heart issues is that you may cope with the overwhelming feelings by eating or drinking too much. These coping strategies can lead to cardiovascular disease in the long run.

According to a meta-analysis, people who deal with high levels of work stress are 50% more likely to develop heart disease.

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