Friday, February 21

5 Ways to Keep Veggies Fresh…

keep veggies fresh
Image By Zigzag Mountain Art From Shutterstock

Reuse some of your veggies!

The best way to make sure you eat fresh produce is to use it as fast as possible instead of letting it sit in the fridge until you can use it for something you are comfortable with. It will end up with you not using your ingredients to their full potential and also potentially wasting money at a time when prices only seem to be increasing.

You can either meal plan or just take some time the night before to think about what you will make the next day for lunch and dinner. That way, you can look into your fridge and see what you have and what you can use in order to keep your produce as fresh as possible and also get the most nutrients. While storing these vegetables the right way can extend their shelf life, it is important to know that the faster you eat them, the more nutrients they will have. Do not waste time!

It is also good to note that even if part of a vegetable has started to go bad, you can always cut it off and use the rest together with others to make veggie stock; that way, you will no longer waste produce!

Eating fruits and vegetables is part of a balanced diet, and you would be surprised at how good they are when you feel like you need a snack. Choosing them over extremely sugary snacks is the way to go, but if you do not believe us, make sure you read this article about all the things sugar does to your body!

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