Saturday, March 15

5 Shocking Things That Put You at Risk for Diabetes

diabetes wine
Photo by loreanto from Shutterstock

Drinking more than two glasses of wine on a daily basis

There’s nothing wrong with having a glass of wine or two. But if you go beyond the one-to-two-drink mark, then things change. “Alcohol is known to have many health benefits, such as reduced inflammation, decreased clots, and even decreased insulin resistance, which is also linked to type 2 diabetes” Maryniuk explains, noting that these gains are mostly noticed in women and in non-Asian populations.

To get the rewards of the daily dose of wine, make sure you follow all the recommendations of the ADA and other health organizations and limit the consumption to no more than a single glass of drink per day for women, and two for men.

As the links between drinking a decent amount of alcohol and reducing the risk for diabetes aren’t definitive, “what we know is that too many calories might lead to weight gain, and carrying excess weight is a great risk factor for type 2 diabetes.” as Maryniuk said.

It’s super easy to end up from one drink a day to two drinks, besides cheese and crackers and chips and dip. Before you’ll know it, all the health benefits you thought you might have checked will be whipped away with other calories.

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