Monday, March 17

5 Shocking Things That Put You at Risk for Diabetes

arthritis diabetes
Photo by brizmaker from

Skimping on shut-eye

It’s worth mentioning that we’re not talking here about one movie night or two when you decided to re-watch some of your favorite series up until the morning. It’s the night-after-night, chronic type of sleep deprivation that really makes you susceptible to getting diabetes.

There’s even a study published in 2020, where some researchers looked at the DNA of almost 900,000 people and discovered that those with insomnia were 17% more prone to develop type 2 diabetes than those who managed to sleep. Well, how come?

As Maryniuk explained, “ongoing sleep loss makes your hormone levels get thrown out of balance. The body might release more stress hormones, like cortisol, which will push up blood sugar. Besides that, less insulin is released after meals, which leads to higher blood glucose levels.”

So these two factors might be at fault for increasing blood glucose, but also raising the risk of getting diabetes. There’s even more, as research proved that poor sleep increases your appetite and reduces satiety, which makes you crave carbs and sweets. Besides the fact that it affects insulin and blood sugar levels, it can also lead to weight gain.

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