Friday, March 14

7 Delicious Alternatives to Coffee (That You Should Try Today) 

Photo by Rawpixel from Envato Elements

7. Mud WTR

If you’re a regular internet user and you like to scroll a lot, then you probably noticed that Mud WTR took over most of the social media apps and gained popularity as one of the latest trends. Made only of chemical-free ingredients like masala chai, sea salt, cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, and several other types of fungus like chaga and cordyceps, mud water is sold in powder form. You can easily make it with warm water, dairy, or any other milk substitute.

I bought this mud water because a good friend recommended it, and I usually look for other people’s recommendations before buying any product. Maybe we have different opinions, but some feedback from others’ experiences can be very helpful. Besides having a nice, subtle taste that can easily help you reduce your caffeine intake for the day, mud water is a gluten-free, vegan product that has a lot of healthy benefits.

Which one of these delicious alternatives do you want to try the most? Tell us in the comments! My go-to favorites are chicory coffee and golden milk, and I drink each at least twice a week.

And before closing the page, don’t forget to check other articles too! My recommendation for today is 8 Hair Loss Myths You Should STOP Believing.

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