Wednesday, March 12

7 Delicious Alternatives to Coffee (That You Should Try Today) 

Photo by GreenArt from Shutterstock

6. Rooibos tea

Originally from Africa, this type of beverage has become so popular, especially for those who want to give up coffee but don’t know what else could replace their favorite drink. A rooibos tea is super tasty and can be found in so many flavor combinations that you won’t be able to resist buying it! If you’re thinking about switching to rooibos tea, then you must know that this product is full of antioxidants that provide healthy skin, prevent against heart disease, and reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Rooibos takes longer to steep than most teas, and prolonged steeping does not make it bitter. The flavor of rooibos is really fruity and slightly sweet. To make a delicious cup for yourself, steep 1–1.5 teaspoons of loose rooibos in a tea filter for up to 10 minutes. You can choose to add lemon and honey if you prefer your beverages sweeter.

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