Thursday, December 26

8 Ways Stress Affects Your Skin — And How To Calm It

Photo by T.Den_Team from Shutterstock

3. Acne and Increased Oil Production

Whether it’s spontaneous heartbreak or a difficult task related to work, we’ve all likely dealt with a stubborn pimple (or two).

Stress and acne are highly correlated, especially in women. The tension caused by stress can mix up your skin’s nerve signals, resulting in imbalanced hormones that increase oil production. While it’s almost impossible to slash stress from the equation entirely, there are some ways to overcome it.

Certain 5- and 10-minute stress-relief tricks can be quite effective, so keeping them handy may help you. Longer stress-management techniques, such as exercise, can also help you increase your body’s ability to adapt.

Topical treatments are known to help with acne, too. Look for an anti-acne product that contains salicylic acid, a beta-hydroxy acid known to penetrate pores for unclogging and cleaning. But be careful; used in excess or at a high concentration, salicylic acid can dry out and even irritate your skin.

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