Tuesday, March 11

10 Ways You Are Sabotaging Your Night Sleep

Photo by Dusan Petkovic from Shutterstock

Bad habits

Back in 2020, Best Mattress Brand decided to conduct a survey on 500 people who regularly made their bed in the morning and 500 who didn’t. As the survey showed, those who were used to making their beds were way more productive, ate better foods (healthier), and felt way more accomplished at the end of their day.

Bed-makers had, on average, 20 more minutes to rest, and didn’t have any difficulty falling asleep. Rosie Osmun, a certified sleep science coach from Sleep Junkie, added that making your bed in the morning doesn’t mean you will rest better, but it is definitely a part of the bigger picture.

As she mentioned, it might work like this: when you make your bed, it’s only a part of a bigger routine that shows your brain when is the right time to rest and when it’s not.

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