Thursday, March 13

8 Symptoms of Kidney Stones You Should NEVER Ignore

symptoms of kidney stones
Photo by Shidlovski from Shutterstock

Urgent need to go

Feeling the need to go to the bathroom more often than usual is another clear sign that the stone has moved into the lower part of your urinary tract. You might even find yourself running to the bathroom constantly throughout the day. And the worst part is that it doesn’t even stop during the night; this constant urge wakes you up several times at night.

Blood in the urine

On the list of important symptoms of kidney stones is blood in the urine. In fact, this is one of the most common ones, although we have to admit that it is a bit dramatic, like any other symptom that implies blood. The symptom is commonly known as hematuria.

The blood can be either pink, red, or brown. Sometimes, the blood cells are too small to see without a microscope (known as microscopic hematuria), but your doctor can easily test your urine to see if it has blood in it.

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