Tuesday, February 4

5 Habits That Are Shaving Off Years Of Your Life

Image By seventyfourimages From Envato Elements

The one habit everyone can name: Smoking

You probably saw this one coming, but we cannot hide and pretend that having a habit of smoking doesn’t have effects on our bodies. Besides the fact that it is well known to cause cancer, smoking does actually lower your lifespan. Doing so without having to give you any other life-threatening diseases.

And while some will come up with examples of their great-great-grandparents having smoked for years, but they still lived a long and happy life, with no problems from this particular habit, thinking like this is a problem. Smoking is the number one cause of death in the U.S. that is 100% preventable! Not to mention, times have changed and with all the information out there, it’s not an argument that can keep standing.

Studies after studies have shown and proven to us that smoking is harmful, and when it comes to lowering your lifespan, it can take off over ten years of your life expectancy! The latest study has shown that while women lose 11 years, men lose about 12! Not to mention all the other problems smoking can cause, like developing lung cancer!

If you’re a frequent smoker, you should probably look into trying to quit this habit or at least limit the amount you’re smoking!

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