Wednesday, February 5

5 Habits That Are Shaving Off Years Of Your Life

slow metabolism, habits
Photo by fizkes from

If you make a habit out of losing sleep, it will have repercussions later

How awesome would it be if the only side effect of not getting enough sleep would be to be a little tired and cranky the next day! Sleep specialists have conducted a number of tests and studies that have proven that lack of quality sleep doesn’t only lead to a number of serious health conditions, but it could be a cause of heart disease and diabetes!

Sleep deprivation is one of the health issues that leaves no part of our bodies unscathed! If you have a habit of losing sleep in favor of doing other things, you will be sad to find out that the tiredness is not the only thing that will seep into your bones; it will come with serious health issues and can develop into chronic diseases that will make you crave sleep more than anything.

Losing sleep will shorten your life due to the numerous side effects it has and the direct impact it has on healthy bodies (there is a reason it was used as a torture method). Not to mention it inhibits your senses and your reaction time, along with your brain capacity: no one can be in their best shape if they haven’t gotten a good night’s sleep.

However, you won’t see people warning others about sleep since it is so disregarded in our society and communities. Worse, some people look down on sleep as a waste of time, when in reality, our bodies deeply need sleep in order to recover.

Do yourself a favor and don’t miss those extra hours of sleep if you can help it! Have trouble sleeping? This may help!

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