Wednesday, March 12

10 Body Parts You Are Not Washing Enough

body part
Photo by kei907 from

3. The scalp

Your hair doesn’t need to be washed every single day, but how much attention do people give to their scalps? Dr. Glatter said that even though you don’t wash your hair daily, you should massage it and scrub it every day, in order to avoid the buildup of dead skin cells.

Bacteria and body mites feed themselves by eating dead skin cells, so it is very important to avoid this as much as you can. Besides that, if you massage your scalp with warm water, you can help increase blood flow.

Furthermore, you can actually manually remove the dead cells that can lead to itchiness, dandruff, and flaky scalp. Keep in mind that you should pay a lot more attention to your scalp if you use styling products or dry shampoo often.

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