Wednesday, March 12

10 Body Parts You Are Not Washing Enough

body part
Photo by Andrii Spy_k from

1. Under your fingernails

You already know that you have to wash your hands very well after you touch raw meat, sneeze, cough, use the restroom, spend time outside, and so on.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, all doctors advised people to wash their hands for at least 60 seconds, with warm water and a sufficient quantity of soap.

However, experts say that if you don’t scrub under your nails, you are not done with the whole process. In conformity with Dr. Robert Glatter, MD, assistant professor of emergency medicine at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, fecal bacteria can set up camp under your fingernails and it will colonize the whole area.

In order to prevent this, doctors say that you can soak a cotton swab in warm water with soap and then swab it under your nails to get rid of all the bacteria that is there.

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