Thursday, September 5

5 Common Misconceptions About Deodorant You Need to Know NOW!

Misconceptions About Deodorant
Photo by George Rudy at Shutterstock

Does the aluminum in deodorant cause Alzheimer’s disease?

Many decades ago, scientists raised alarms about a possible connection between aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease.

People began worrying about using aluminum pots and pans, cooking with aluminum foil, and even applying aluminum particles to their skin in deodorant.

Despite this, decades of ensuing experiments have yielded no conclusive evidence that using deodorant causes Alzheimer’s. So this is one of the biggest misconceptions about deodorant. Aluminum can indeed be dangerous in high doses.

But to get a high enough amount, you’d have to eat it… Lots of it! While scientists nowadays continue to debate the role aluminum plays in causing Alzheimer’s, the Alzheimer’s Association says that:

“Almost all scientists today focus on other areas of Alzheimer’s research, and few experts believe that everyday sources of aluminum pose any threat.”

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