Wednesday, March 12

5 Surprising Diseases You Can Get From Public Bathrooms

diseases, public bathrooms
Photo by larisikstefania from Shutterstock

2. Urinary tract infection

Women often experience more urinary tract infections than men which are caused by bacteria in the urine. This occurs as a result of their urethras being closer to the anus than those of men. Given how painful it is, this illness is among the worst on the list. Generally characterized by frequent urination, a burning feeling during urination, and occasionally an odd pee odor. Depending on the type of bacteria that has infected your bladder or urethra, these symptoms may vary.

To avoid getting a urinary tract infection, also known as a UTI, try to avoid sitting on public bathroom seats as much as possible. And if you must, try to cover it with paper. Before using the toilet, make sure your hands are squeaky clean and don’t touch the walls or other objects around you.

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